I’ve got another at-home workout for you! All you need for this one is a set of handheld weights and a yoga mat-sized space to move. It was HOT on my porch this day (heat index of over 100) so I’m literally dripping by the end of the video; it’s a good thing y’all can’t see that up close. 😉

This interval workout uses 40/20 timing: 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest, repeated all the way through. If you need to pause another minute or two between circuits, go ahead and do that, but try to maintain the 40/20 timing during each circuit. I use a simple, free app on my iPhone called Interval Timer.
You can follow along with the video for the first round of the circuit, then repeat that circuit three more times before moving on to the next — or just watch the video to see how to do all the exercises, and do 4 rounds of each circuit on your own.
Circuit 1 (repeat x 4):
- standing bird dog, alternating sides
- forward-and-back lunge, left leg
- side lunge with hammer curl
- forward-and-back lunge, right leg
Circuit 2 (repeat x 4):
- sumo chop
- bent-arm deltoid raise
- bicep curl with alternating knee raise
- bent-over row
Circuit 3 (repeat x 4):
- downward dog to plank, and back
- bent leg glute press with pulse (left leg)
- straight-leg glute press (left)
- bent leg glute press with pulse (right leg)
- straight-leg glute press (right)
Total-body at home interval workout video:
If it’s not showing up correctly in your browser, click here to view the video.
Since the video demonstrates every move, I won’t get into explaining each one in detail, but I will offer a few tips to make sure you maintain good form!
- Remember any time you’re doing lunges to try to keep your knee tracking over your toes, rather than letting your knee cave in towards your big toe, or out past your pinky toe.
- In the bent row, try to maintain a nice straight back, with no arching and no head sagging; keep that neck neutral.
- That neutral neck is important in any plank or hands-and-knees (quadruped) position, too, like in all of Circuit 3!
Questions? Ask away! If you have requests for future workouts, let me know; I’ll be working on more soon! If you liked this, please share with those handy little buttons below!
What I’m wearing
>> Marika leggings: similar to these,;
>> “Strong Women lift each other up” tank from FitnessTeeCo.

Owner/Coach. Powered by tea, books, & sunshine. I help people build stronger, more resilient bodies — because fitness isn’t as much about what we do in the gym as what it helps us do beyond the gym.